A Little About Me

Hi all!

I am here as a wannabe blogger who talks about her ever so “interesting” life because I’ve decided that someone will care. Eventually. Any who, I decided to make my first post a tad bit selfish and somewhat vain, but seeing as no one is going to read it anyway, what’s it matter?

So I think I’ll begin with the basics.

1. My favourite number is 4 simply because when I was about seven or eight I decided that that was the best age to be.  I’m not so sure on that answer anymore, but the number has stuck. So be it.

2. My favourite colour is blue. I didn’t have a favourite colour for quite a while, but once again my seven/eight year old self wanted to make another important life decision so I thought ‘my big brother likes green, so I can’t like that. All my friends like purple, so I can’t like that (and it’s to girly). Hey! Blue’s a cool colour.’ So that was that.

3. Those are the only two things that I have clear favourites for. Everything else that other people have favourites of I do not have mostly because I am very non commital when it comes to favourites. For example: If I was forced to choose a favourite book, I simply couldn’t. There is no book in the world that is so good that it could be my favourite. And honestly I hope there never will be.

4. This will be an anonymous blog because I don’t feel like sharing my entire personal life over the internet on a blog because, honestly, it could be taken quite seriously out of context. I don’t want anyone to get butthurt by reading what I post.

That’s all for the basics. It’s only a crash course to the confusingness (I know it’s not a word) that is my train of thought, but you’ll eventually get to know all about that. I am going to be my completely ‘normal’ and true self here, so if you don’t like it, you don’t need to tell me. Complain on reddit or something.

So you are informed. I am a nerd. A giant nerd. I love reading, writing, occasionally making overly deep comments about very mundane things and playing video games and take pride in being a part of the PC master race. I am what is considered intelligent and sometimes I use big words. I am not trying to be that girl who is just like “I read books, I use big words. Love me for my uniqueness” because I am not into that. I’m into The Sims 3 and city builders, and prison builders (Prison Architect anyone?) and much more. Anyhow my interest in computer games comes from my older brother, whom I shall call Steam. This is a rather long story so I am going to cut to the chase. He started playing Runescape (that MMO that everyone has played at least once in their life) and that grew into an interest in games in general.

That leaves me here today writing up my very first blog post of which I would really like to grow into a library of posts. And possibly a community. I’m expecting one follower that turns out to be a creepy boy from the nearby school who happens to know me some how. However I am hoping for a big ole’ community of fellow nerds or people that understand what I am going to be expressing.

I really hope you guys are having a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening where ever you are!

Lots of Dorky Love,


P.S. If you know what youtuber I got the sign-off thingy majig from please comment (hint: she is an Australian Simmer)